Aida's deep connection with bees began when she heard biodynamic beekeeper Gunther Hauk speak about their wonder and mystery. He shared how to work with bees in a biodynamic, holistic way. Aida cares for the bees with help from Adnan and Gus.
In biodynamic beekeeping, natural hives are used and interference is kept to a minimum. They mostly observe the bees and step in only when necessary. Only the surplus honey is taken, ensuring enough is left for the bees during winter and times of scarcity. No synthetic chemicals are used, and the bees are allowed their natural life cycles, including swarming. When feeding the bees is needed during long winters, dry or wet summers, Aida uses extra honey frames from other hives or makes a bee tea with healing herbs, honey, and organic sugar.
Their apiary is set in their workshop garden, planted with the bees in mind. The flowers bloom as early and as late as possible, creating a haven for insects, bees, humans, frogs, and foxes alike.